Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Since it is the wonderful month of February, I thought I would share some of the things that I love.

I LOVE being around people that make can make me laugh, and who constantly build me up emotionaly, phyisically, and spiritually.

I LOVE that my birthday falls in this month.

I LOVE red tractors!

I LOVE my Boots. Need I say more.

I LOVE summer!!! But most of all I love the holidays and the family reunions that come with summer.

These are only some of my neices and nephews that I LOVE. I know that my life would not be the same with out them. Oh and notice how we are eating ice-cream...mmmm my favorite

I LOVE my family. I am so thankful for all that they do for me. It is never dull when we all get together. I am greatful for their exaples and am so happy that I can be with them for ever and ever.

I LOVE flowers. Everyone asks me when they find out that I am a Horticulture major what my favorite flower is? The answer, ALL of them.

I LOVE fall.

I LOVE to see the temple.