Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Neilson's

I had so much fun with this photo shoot. With children you never know if their going to cry and hold on to their mom or if their going to smile and look ADORABLE like these kids. What can I say, I am their most favorite Aunt B.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bridal Pictures

If you couldn't tell this bride is on previous posts, but I haven't posted anything lately so I thought I would put some of my favorite pictures of her. I haven't been too busy lately with pictures, so if any of you need pictures taken let me know!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


The town that I am from is notoriously known for their festivals. This past weekend just happened to be the Heritage and Livestock Festival. It really is a sight to behold if you have never seen anything like it before. What it is though is the local sheep ranchers bring their herds off of the mountain and herd them down main street. Anyways I thought I would take advantage of all the excitement.