Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Me Being Myself

So this is the nerd that I am... I was in a really nice lobby of a building that had the most beautiful atmosphere, so I pulled out my camera and started taking pictures. I could really only capture the lights that were on the walls. But I am sure everyone that could see me was wondering about my sanity. The pictures are not that amazing but I hope you enjoy.

1 comment:

Xander Man said...

I am flatter you like my blog! Your pictures are great. You really have a good eye of composition in your pictures and that's half the battle in taking good pictures I think. I really do love your cowboy picture. I can only speak for myself what I have learned to help my pictures is: lighting, lenses, ISO and white balance. I was always terrified of the technical stuff around cameras but the more I forced myself to learn the better. If you want to email me I am more than happy to expand in more detail what I know in "Amber Terms"... ha ha. amberlysilly@yahoo.com